Thursday, April 3, 2014

March Birchbox, product #2: Body Repair Balm by Skinfix

Birchbox, March 2014

Second item: Body Repair Balm by Skinfix
Full size: 2 oz., $18.50 ($16.50 on Skinfix website)

What I got (sample size): .28 oz, $2.59 ($2.31)

First impressions: Really clean packaging, bright design, feels very relateable. A bit less than 1.5” tall, nearly 2” diameter (guesstimating). Looks like it would be a good size to take traveling. The product inside is a beige color, and looks to have microscopic granules of something in it, but that could just be some sort of film over the top. It smells really interesting – in a good way. It has that thick warm scent I usually associate with shea butter, and the smell of the almond oil with it makes a really yummy sweet combination, that for some reason makes me think of cinnamon-flavored steamed milk. Not sure where that idea came from, but it seems to be a good representation of the smell.

Performance: The first time I opened this product (which is touted as an “all-natural balm that quickly repairs and softens severely dry skin – eczema included”) I decided to do a little test. I put some on my finger (there is a very very subtle grit to the product that’s practically undetectable, but it made it feel more natural for some reason – maybe because I use some Lush products with bits in them) and rubbed it on one of my most “severely dry” areas: my elbow. Actually, right on the Birchbox card they recommend using the balm for your elbows. But I only did one. Yup, just the one. It was not what I was expecting. 

While not rough, the balm certainly doesn’t glide on. It didn’t feel especially moisturizing, more like running a lightly greased hand over sandpaper. It just didn’t do as much as I was expecting. It left me feeling as though my elbow was maybe slightly more moisturized, but it felt as though it was going to dry up in a minute. Were my elbows just freakishly dry? Maybe they were. That’s why I decided that the solution was to compare it to my usual moisturizer, Lush’s Sympathy for the Skin. With just a dab of the moisturizer, my other elbow felt instantly smoother. So no, it wasn’t my skin, this balm really just wasn’t helping much.

The next morning I checked my elbows and found that the balm-ed elbow was still rough (though admittedly slightly less rough than the day before), and the moisturizer-ed elbow was still smooth. So it wasn’t a waiting game. 

Today, two days later, my Lush-treated skin was still less rough than usual, and my Skinfix-treated skin had returned to its original state. But I wanted to try again, to give it a second chance! So I pulled out the little tub, and tried just using more. Still, the first rub on didn’t do much. So I did a second layer. Still disappointingly dry. Better, yes, but still not as good as my usual moisturizer. But the directions do say “apply generously,” so on went a slathering of a third layer – so much that I actually had to rub for a good two minutes to even get the balm to sink in. 
Finally, after a load of balm, it was comparable to my other elbow. Which was moisturized three days ago. 

I’m sorry, Skinfix: I tried to give you a chance - I really wanted you to work! - but you just couldn’t cut it. You do smell nice, I’ll admit that, but my usual moisturizer smells like pudding, so I’m gonna stick with that one.

So, final thoughts?

Packaging: 5
Scent: 5
Texture: 3 – On smooth skin it still feels weird, as though it soaks in too quickly.
Function (out of 10): 2 – Better than nothing, but not much good.

Overall: 15/25 – But I would not recommend it to anyone. Smells good, yes, but I probably won’t ever use it again. I may try putting it on directly after a shower, to see if it can redeem itself, but I am highly doubtful.

'Til the next box review!
- BoxxyGirl

PS: Birchbox is a $10/month sample box. Interested in trying it? Use code BBM100 at this link to get 100 Birchbox points when you subscribe! Birchbox points can be redeemed for credit in the online store (100 points/$10), and you get more for every box and review! Pretty great reward system, huh?

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