Tuesday, April 1, 2014

March Birchbox, product #1: How 'Bout Them Apples? Cheek & Lip Cream in Pie by theBalm cosmetics

Birchbox, March 2014

First item: How ‘Bout Them Apples? Cheek & Lip Cream in Pie by theBalm cosmetics

Full size: 6 colors, .7oz total, $32.00 (16.99 on ebay)

What I got (sample size): 1 color, inaccurately labeled as .7oz. Assuming this is about half the size of one of the full-sized colors, ~$2.67

First impressions: Adorable packaging, nice magnetic closure. About half the height of a match box, and about half an inch shorter in length. The product design is great, with a cheeky retro vibe. Each shade of the palette has its own shirtless cowboy mascot. I love the matte feel of the packaging, the color and design, and the clickable magnetic closure. But after looking for the size of the product, I’m disappointed to find the label inaccurate for size.

Performance: Other reviews have found that it doesn’t do well as a lip balm, but better as a lip color, so I decided to try on dry lips (no balm applied in the last several hours, but no cracking or chapping).

The formula itself wasn’t as hard as I’d expected on sight, and was easy to get onto my finger and lips. I started with a light application on the lower lip only, and saw a very slight tint with the first (very very light) pass. It was a lot pinker than I was expecting from the packaging. It felt smooth, but not moisturizing. It didn’t feel as though it was soaking into my lips, and a couple minutes after application they felt just like they did before applying. As a lip balm, it didn’t do much in the way of moisturizing.

As a lip color, however, I really liked it. After another two (very very light) passes, I was happy with the color I got, and could see adding more if I wanted a stronger color. Since I don’t often wear much in the way of lip color, I liked it as a more subtle color. I don’t usually wear lipstick, but I could easily see myself wearing a light coat of this lip cream as an everyday enhancement. It passed the lip-smudge test, as well, which is one of my main problems with wearing lipstick every day.

The smell of the product is not pleasant. Given the opportunity for a great apple-y scent (one of my favorite smells), theBalm fell way short with a product that smells faintly of that cheap modeling clay you used when you were eight. Not pleasant. There’s no taste, either, which is something I usually like from my lip balms.

As a blush – oh, sorry “cheek cream” – I didn’t have much to say. As someone with naturally rosy cheeks, I don’t usually use blush, and if I do I go for the peachier hues. It didn’t look bad, though. The color (again, a very light sweep) appeared natural and smooth.

So, final thoughts?

Packaging: 5
Color: 5 – Great for lips, and good for cheeks, too! I was happy with it.
Scent: 1
Taste: 2 – Not tasting is better than tasting bad.
Texture: 4 – Went on my finger smooth, and my lips and cheeks, but didn’t do much to moisturize. But you can always try lip balm first, and then cream.

Overall: 17/25 – But I’d be willing to forgive the scent because the color, and the buildability of color, was pretty darn awesome.

'Til the next box review!

PS: Birchbox is a $10/month sample box. Interested in trying it? Use code BBM100 at this link to get 100 Birchbox points when you subscribe! Birchbox points can be redeemed for credit in the online store (100 points/$10), and you get more for every box and review! Pretty great reward system, huh?

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